On-Demand Webcast

State of the Industry: 2021 Mid-Year Update / July 20, 1-2 PM EDT



Chad Moutray
Chief Economist, National Association of Manufacturers
Lou B
Lou Zhang
Chief Data Scientist, MachineMetrics
Graham Immerman
Graham Immerman
VP of Marketing, MachineMetrics


We're arriving at the halfway point of what has been a tremendous year of manufacturing growth.

While demand has skyrocketed, manufacturers have been scrambling to adapt quickly, looking for fast-to-ROI solutions that allow them to deliver greater throughput than ever before.

Once again, we are bringing together a set of panelists to share the most up-to-date data on production, supply chains, efficiency, and the manufacturing industry as a whole.

Chief Economist of the National Association of Manufacturers, Chad Moutray, will be joined by our very own Chief Data Scientist, Lou Zhang, to uncover recent trends and insights in their proprietary data sets.

Watch the on-demand webinar for inside look at what is happening in manufacturing right now and what you can expect in the second half of this year.